Shop - Courses - Animal Healing Qigong Online Course



Step-by-Step Healing Process with Videos

Unlimited streaming access to clear instructional videos. No prior Qigong knowledge or practice required. No jargon or confusing language; only simple and powerful techniques you can review over and over until you’ve mastered the process.

About The Program

Step-by-Step Healing Process with Videos

Unlimited streaming access to clear instructional videos. No prior Qigong knowledge or practice required. No jargon or confusing language; only simple and powerful techniques you can review over and over until you’ve mastered the process.

Study Manual in PDF format

Print it out or read online across devices. You will have this clearly designed Qigong Healing for Animals self-study manual in your hands to reference whenever needed. This manual includes the bonus section: “Extra Healing Process for Specific Conditions”

Special Bonus

Distance Healing Guided Meditation

Guided by Master Jaci Gran, this long distance healing meditation helps you perform healing on animals remotely. Many people found, to their surprise, that animals would practice the meditation with them! This bonus guided healing meditation comes free with the program. Download to your devices for easy access. Practice daily to increase your healing ability.

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